Due to risks of COVID19 we are not offering rolling classes at this time
Combat Roll Training
If your kayak roll is 80% or better when practicing, but you miss when it really counts (in rivers, surf, tide rips, etc.), this combat roll training is what you need.
Winter (Nov. - April): 5-6:30pm
Summer (May 10th - Oct.): , Lake Sammamish State Park
Duration: 1.5 hours
Class Size: 2 maximum
Tuition: $330.00 (In summer if needed includes use of: dry suit, booties, and scull cap)
Kayak Rental: $50.00 plus tax, delivered to the lesson. Includes kayak, spray-skirt, PFD, bilge pump, paddle float, and paddle.
Parking: A Washington State Discover Pass ($30/yr.) or $10 Day Use Fee is required to drive into the State Park. Passes may be purchased from machine at park entrance or on-line at:
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